Tuesday, 21 July 2020

we today we did posters if we were in the war


  1. Malo leiei Zion
    This is Sione from Rm2,
    I really love that you edit the paper with words,
    You should change your title because it doesn't make sense,
    But you know it's all right,
    Thank you for sharing your good work Zion.

    1. Talofa Sione
      I really liked how you commented on my blog,
      and I really liked how you said how you like my work,
      Also thank you for making me knowing that the title doesn't make sense,
      So I hope you have a good day Sione!

  2. kia ora zion i like that you love your mum and dad and that's so cute and i like what you put smiley face on it to have a good day.


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Thoughul - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
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